Saturday, November 22, 2008
During this time of stress, winter darkness, tailgaiting minivan drivers on icy roads, poor economy, relaxation and stress reduction are the most important treatment plan for any doctor patient relationship. I usually rely of valerian but decided to take a break on the three time a day pill and went to the big KavaKava for a month. Kava Kava is harvested best from root of a plant and often spoke of as popular in the south pacific. It is said to improve well being and thought to stimulate gaba centers in the brain (valium). There was once a time when liver toxicity occured with use of kava kava but has since been cleared of scrutiny. Most bottles will state a limited use of the supplement but in this time of stress and seasonal affective disorder, the more powerful and limited use of kava kava is a nice alternative. Since it has been used for more than 3000 years, it is probably its modern preparation that should be investigated.....thus watch for the companies that are unknown or new or the cheapest on the shelf. Those that drink alcohol should be persuaded to stop during its use, (those are also the ones that should not be using alcohol during times of stress in addition)