Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Get what you pay for.

Some of my patients don't like paying for prescription medicines but when I talk about alternative nutrition practices to reverse disease and accompanying supplementation, eyes light up, dreams of youth come back, endorphin starts to ooze....then sticker shock!!  I tell them that the 3-4 standard supplements required to control symptoms, regain sleep and make up for some food deficiencies will have to be an investment but should work as good as the rx's they were on with less side effects.  Tough sell for some folks that don't have disposable money, but so is bypass surgery and 6 months of disability.  Desperate folks take the homework shopping list I write up and just hit the aisles of walgreens or walmart thinking a vitamin bottle is a vitamin bottle.  I have been taught to know what active ingredient to look for on the label and percentage.  Problem is the FDA rarely scrutinizes vitamin companies so it is left up to the company making the herb to run expensive checks on percentage of ingredients.  Like asking horny teenagers to behave while you are away?!  Or an alcoholic to stop drinking after 2 glasses?!
I check for challenged brands when it comes to popular supplements.  They test a good amount of variety but not all supplements.  Their database is growing but I ask patients who are nutrition conscious to pay for the service as it may save money and allow confidence that the pill capsule you take has the ingredient on the label.  Some are reluctant having confidence their local pharmacy is "watching out for local consumers".  I don't agree and New York just called some cheap stores on it.


This is my answer:


Caveat Emptor (remember Greg Brady buying his first car?)